Representatives of the Anti-Corruption Service of the Pavlodar region held a training seminar for employees of EGRES-1 on compliance with anti-corruption legislation
Альмира Ауелбаева
August 02, 2024
Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1 LLP named after Bulata Nurzhanova" strives to create transparent working conditions and ensure high standards in the field of anti-corruption in the implementation of its activities.
In order to increase intolerance to corruption in the team and the formation of an anti-corruption culture among the employees of the Partnership, with the participation of representatives of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency (Anti-Corruption Service) in the Pavlodar region, a training seminar was held for the employees of the Partnership on compliance with anti-corruption legislation by quasi-public sector entities, preventive anti-corruption work.
The participation of representatives of the Anti-Corruption Service in the seminar helps to raise awareness of the importance of fighting corruption and the introduction of effective methods of preventing corruption offenses.