Explanatory note to the report on industrial environmental control of LLP "Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov" for the 2nd quarter of 2024

Альмира Ауелбаева July 31, 2024

Explanatory note to the report on industrial environmental control Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov LLP for the 2nd quarter of 2024 Ekibastuzskaya GRES-1 LLP named after Bulata Nurzhanova is an operating electric power plant with a design electric capacity of 4000 MW (8 power units of 500 MW each, en. block of station No. 1 under restoration). The installed capacity of the station is 3,500 MW. The operating mode of the power plant is round–the-clock, year-round. The main fuel for power boilers is high–ash coal from the Ekibastuz deposits, and fuel oil of the M-100 brand is used for kindling. Flue gas emissions from the power boilers of the station are emitted through two pipes No. 1 and No. 2, 300 m and 330 m high, with a mouth diameter of 13.26 m and 11.9 m, respectively. To reduce the content of suspended solids in flue gases emitted into the atmosphere by power units of the №3, №4, №5, №6 They are equipped with electric filters of the LodgeCottrel type, at the power unit of stations No. 2, No. 7, No. 8 of Alstompauerstavan CJSC. Suppression (reduction of concentration) of nitrogen oxides at the plant is carried out by optimizing the fuel combustion process in boilers (regime-technological methods). Flue gases are not cleaned from gaseous substances at the station. In the 2nd quarter of 2024, 4,941,496,640 thousand kWh of electric energy were generated. Atmospheric air. The control of emissions into the atmosphere is carried out in accordance with the Program of Industrial Environmental Control for 2024. The control of the atmospheric air composition at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the station is carried out with the involvement of an accredited laboratory. The content of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide is determined in the selected samples. According to the results of instrumental measurements carried out during the reporting period, the concentrations of controlled substances were within the normative values. The ash collection unit is tested annually at each working unit of the station. A technical report is compiled based on the test results. Control over the standards of pollutants is carried out in accordance with the project "Standards of permissible emissions" for 2024. Based on the environmental impact permit No.:KZ92VCZ03343489 dated 02.10.2023 for the period of validity 01.01.2024 to 12/31/2025 According to the Permit in 2024, Ekibastuz GRES-1 LLP named after Bulata Nurzhanova" it is allowed to produce emissions of pollutants in volumes not exceeding 289.779 thousand tons. Emissions of pollutants for the 2nd half of 2024 amounted to Permit for emissions into the environment, number and date of issue Emission limits, Actual emissions for the reporting period Actual emissions for the same period last year The reason for the increase/decrease in thousand tons/year thousand tons/year thousand tons/year emissions No.:KZ92VCZ03343489 dated 02.10.2023 for the period of validity 01.01.2024 to 12/31/2025 Emissions, thousand tons/year 289,779 122,120 116,514 The increase in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and waste generation volumes for Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2023 is due to an increase in electricity generation Sulfur dioxide 185,728 77,209 73,849 Nitrogen dioxide 55.55 24.522 23.374 Inorganic dust 70-20% 34.788 14.974 14.374 Nitric oxide 9.027 3.984 3.798 Carbon monoxide 4,658 1,423 1,110 Fuel oil ash 0.001 0.0006 0.0005 Other: 0.028 0.0032 0.008 Discharges, thousand tons/year no no no According to the results of instrumental and computational methods for determining pollutant emissions, no exceedances of MPC and MPC were detected. Monitoring of water resources. The source of water supply is the K.Satpayev canal, on which two water intakes are located: one outlet is for replenishing the cooling reservoir, the second outlet is for household facilities.household needs and preparation of chemically desalinated and chemically treated water for power and hot water boilers. Water metering through the head of the HVAC is carried out using water metering devices installed at the entrance of the VPU, HVAC- I and II stages of the starting boiler house and the drinking water preparation unit "Struya". Daily accounting of the amount of water consumption and sanitation is carried out, deviations from specific norms were not observed. Special water use at the station is carried out on the basis of permit No. KZ86VTE00079542 Series Ertis. A reverse cooling system with a self-leveling reservoir-the Zhengeldy cooler - has been adopted for the station. Sampling and analysis of surface water samples (reservoir, canal, recycled water, GZU) is carried out monthly with the involvement of an accredited laboratory. Monitoring of production waste. The main type of production waste at the enterprise (in the process of burning coal in boiler furnaces) is ash and slag waste, which is sent by hydraulic transport to the ash dump in accordance with the design documents. The ash dump, located in a drainless basin of the previously dried-up bitter-salty lake Karasor, is located 22 km east of the station site. Monthly accounting is carried out for the formation and placement of ash and slag waste and production waste. Based on the environmental impact permit No.:KZ92VCZ03343489 dated 02.10.2023 for the period of validity 01.01.2024 to 12/31/2025 According to the Permit in 2024, Ekibastuz GRES-1 LLP named after Bulata Nurzhanova" it is allowed to dispose of production and consumption waste in volumes not exceeding 6,495,194 thousand tons. The volume of disposed waste for the 1st quarter of 2024 amounted to: Permit for emissions into the environment, number and date of issue Emission limits, Actual emissions for the reporting period Actual emissions for the same period last year The reason for the increase/decrease in thousand tons/year thousand tons/year thousand tons/year emissions No.:KZ92VCZ03343489 dated 02.10.2023 for the period of validity 01.01.2024 to 12/31/2025 Waste, thousand tons/year 6,495,19 2,846.67 2,715.54 Increase in emissions of pollutants in the atmosphere and the volume of waste generation for the 1st half of 2024 compared to the 1st half of 2023 is associated with an increase in electricity generation. Ash slags 6,494,83 2,846.52 2,715. 18 Non-hazardous waste 0.363 0.148 0.349 Hazardous waste 0.004 0 0.003 Radioactive emissions, GBk/year no no no Soil monitoring. Sampling and analysis of soil samples at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the power plant, ash dump and waste storage (landfill) is planned for the III-IV quarter of 2024 on the basis of an agreement with the involvement of an accredited laboratory. Sampling and analysis of samples is planned at 12 stationary points in accordance with current state standards. • The boundary of the SPZ of the ash dump is 5 points; • The boundary of the SPZ of the waste storage (landfill) is 4 points; • The border of the SPZ power plant – 3 points;

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